Aλhambra Day 2021 - Workshops proposals

  • The fields marked as (*) are required
  • Once it has been accepted it will be published on the proposal page
  • Remember that for any questions you can write to us at lambda.in.alhambra@librelabgrx.cc
  •  0  /  150 
    0  /  5000
    More extensive description of the subject and content of the proposal.
     0  /  500 
    What would you like the people who attend the workshop to end up knowing to a greater or lesser extent when it ends?
     0  /  150 
    Page with information about the project that is mentioned in the proposal.
     0  /  500 
    To whom?
     0  /  500 
    Need some general information about the person or persons who will carry out the proposal: personal interests, experience in the subject, if you have carried out similar activities ...
     0  /  150 
     0  /  150 
     0  /  150 
    In case you have a personal website that you want to share.
     0  /  150 
    Any profile in a free social network is valid, but remember to enter the full URL to also know the instance where you are so that we can find you.
     0  /  150 
    If you want us to mention you on Twitter when creating the proposal, put your username.
     0  /  150 
    If you have a profile on GitLab, just put your username and we will mention you when creating the proposal (otherwise don't worry, there is no problem because we will notify you by email anyway).
     0  /  150 
    Any other collaborative development site where you have a profile and would like to show your projects, or also any website that you use as a portfolio.
     0  /  500 
    Description of minimum recommended knowledge, as well as hardware/software that the people attending the activity should have.
     0  /  500 
    Description of elements that the organization could ideally provide for the correct performance of the activity (example: provision of virtual machines with certain software installed for the people who attend the activity).

    The organization does not guarantee that the needs of the proposed activities can be met.
     0  /  150 
    Indicate the duration of the proposal. For example, from two hours to a whole day.
     0  /  150 
    Indicate if you prefer it to be the first day or the second.
     0  /  500 
    Any other comment relevant to the organization.